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Aktualisiert: 10. Aug. 2021

Carolin Israel Exhibits 11 Paintings at RPR ART

Young artist Carolin Israel, a former student of Katharina Grosse, shows 11 of her latest paintings online at RPR ART until September 17, 2017. This is the first exhibition by the recently founded art advisory business that dedicates exhibition space to selected talented artists from Düsseldorf Kunstakademie.

Carolin Israel was born in Chemnitz, Germany, in 1990. She has completed her Master Degree in Art at Academy of Fine Art, Dresden in 2014. From 2015 to 2016, she studied with Professor Katharina Grosse and Professor Tomma Abts at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. In 2017, she worked in New York City. She has received numerous grants and prizes, among them the Lucas Cranach Grant of the city of Wittenberg in 2014. The artist lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Early into her studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden, Carolin Israel found art as the base of her daily doings and as a journey for her personality as well: “I always have the feeling that I’m working and making progress on something bigger that wants to be discovered”.

Israel wants to make an honest statement and explore the field of painting with her art. “My works are supposed to have a visual impact, that invites the viewer to take the time to observe and to develop their own thoughts.” German artist Katharina Grosse has influenced her very much. In the future, Israel wishes to expand her art by provoking even more questions and thoughts to invite others to be open, to see new things, and to look at supposedly familiar things in different ways.

Carolin Israel, “Beetlejuice”, 2017.
Carolin Israel, “Beetlejuice”, 2017.

The artist mostly works in layers of acrylic and oil colours as well as some techniques with airbrush and cans. Israel: “I rarely ever start my works with a concrete sketch or plan. I usually follow my imagination.” In general, she works on many art pieces simultaneously. Sometimes she draws as well and uses coal and ink on paper.

Carolin Israel, “Into the blue”, 2017.
Carolin Israel, “Into the blue”, 2017.

In her 11 paintings on display, Carolin Israel offers a fresh view on nature (“Spring”, “Fire walk with me”, “Flora and Fauna”) and gives a still life setting a modern twist in “Krug” (“Pitcher”). She incorporates not only ancient Greek topics (“Homer”) but also uses ideas from the digital world (“It’s a me 2”), and gets inspiration from street art (“Urban Exploring”). Sometimes the artist uses very bright colours (“Raupy”) that emphasize a fresh view on things around us. She works in different layers which invites the viewer to always discover something new (“wndwos”, “Beetlejuice”). This way, the beholder develops own imagination and will never grow tired of the images.

Carolin Israel, “Fire walk with me”, 2016.
Carolin Israel, “Fire walk with me”, 2016.

The paintings are mostly done in oil or acrylic on MDF (Medium Density Fibreboard) and come in different sizes from small to large.

Read our full interview with Carolin Israel here.

RPR ART is an art advisory business that helps you find art you like and invest wisely.



RPR ART // Dr. Ruth Polleit Riechert // Email: // Phone: +49 (0)6174-955694


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